But NPR simply covered Tóibín again, and again, and this year, you guessed it, they - wait for it... covered it again. I did not see the Broadway Play version of Tóibín's novel, but some are wondering why it closed prematurely. Perhaps (and I am only hoping here) people realized - unlike their publicly funded radio station - that the more daring story came from Maximus. So, if Tóibín is not available for another interview, perhaps NPR will consider interviewing the heroically productive scholar of early Christianity, and translator of Maximus' life (from Georgian!), Stephen Shoemaker. For a review of his translation you'll need to consult the current Books & Culture (which by such coverage further proves the need for its threatened existence). For some of the ways that my Wheaton students responded to this profoundly moving text - a body blow to secular feminist caricatures of Christianity - consult my article in the current First Things, Our Lady of Wheaton.

Without excluding the hope for complete doctrinal agreement, we need to explore whether it might not be possible that reunion could include at least some diversity of explicit belief, based not upon a particular community’s lack of faith or refusal to acknowledge authority, but rather on its different developmental history – something like the diversity of explicit belief which one observes between the various ages of Roman Catholic Church history.Maximus' Life of the Virgin is all the more reason to take such suggestions - Catholic suggestions - seriously. What Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox Christians can certainly agree about, however - thanks to Tóibín and NPR - is that there are necessary limits to Marian diversity as well.