Princeton's Ivy-chic Labyrinth bookstore is an impressively well-stocked delight, and can always be counted on to evoke an Ecclesiastes 12:12 moment, vindicating Hugh of St. Victor who said - in the twelfth century - "The number of books is infinite. Don't chase after the infinite."
This week on my monthly scan I learned of Le Corbusier's involvement with the occult, and speculated about Michael Camille's occult involvement as he seems capable of publishing from the grave. Most surprising, however, was seeing the face of Pavel Florenksy amidst one of the new book displays. Whether or not Florensky and company advanced the discipline of mathematics, I can assure you that Florensky advanced the discipline of art history.
I was also pleased to see that Colum Hourihane (of ICA fame) has just released his new book on fluctuating Pilate imagery. However Pontian interpretations may have shifted, it does not seem unreasonable to suggest that all such variegations be grounded in the words of the earliest gospel, who records that Pilate's primal sin (at the very least) was attempting to please the crowd. Caveat blogger.